B&N take on “all politics is local” ha ha. I really enjoyed this article. Books, books, books!

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This is fascinating. I don’t know why any new writer would ever willingly walk into the maw of a mess that modern publishing has become. I started an LLC and became a small publisher so that I could control the value chain as far as possible from writing through design into publication and distribution. Book Baby has been a blessing for small writers to own more of their work. Now, I’m writing books out loud live on Substack as first drafts, getting audience feedback during the composition phase and I’m going to be offering paid subscribers significant discounts/free books that are signed and personalized in a more intimate setting that most writers will ever achieve even with the best PR firms and product marketing. I think the paradigm has already shifted in publishing and the biggest institutions will be the last to know about. Great newsletter here! I’m glad I subscribed 🙏

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Thank you for this! Real interesting on William Morris...

Are you antiquated with N.D. Wilson's work?

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